The average house price on JEDDERE COTTAGES is £394,118
The most expensive house in the street is 8 JEDDERE COTTAGES with an estimated value of £541,434
The cheapest house in the street is 3 JEDDERE COTTAGES with an estimated value of £220,928
The house which was most recently sold was 11 JEDDERE COTTAGES, this sold on 30 Oct 2020 for £401,000
The postcode for JEDDERE COTTAGES is RH7 6QN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 JEDDERE COTTAGES Flats/Maisonettes £220,928 £175,000 19 Mar 2018
7 JEDDERE COTTAGES Semi-Detached £432,445 £355,000 31 Jul 2020
8 JEDDERE COTTAGES Semi-Detached £541,434 £124,000 16 Jul 1999
10 JEDDERE COTTAGES Semi-Detached £452,445 £332,500 31 Mar 2016
11 JEDDERE COTTAGES Semi-Detached £473,888 £401,000 30 Oct 2020
14 JEDDERE COTTAGES Terraced £325,864 £200,000 6 Mar 2007
15 JEDDERE COTTAGES Terraced £311,824 £183,000 12 Dec 2012